Due to a significant change in the funding landscape, we are now more than ever dependent on individuals to support our work. We need approximately 244 people supporting our work on a monthly basis to ensure our minimum ongoing viability without any additional income sources. We currently have 128 people making monthly donations; can you be one of the remaining 116?
Donate now onlineTreat drug usage as a health issue
Calling on the Government to treat drug usage as a health issue by repealing and replacing the Misuse of Drugs Act
Take ActionCOVID-19 and people in prison
Calling on the government to take urgent action to reduce the number of people in prison to protect them, their whānau, and workers
Take ActionRight to Vote for All
Calling on the Government to enshrine voting rights for all people who are incarcerated
Take ActionOr you can donate by internet banking:
Robson Hanan Trust T/A JustSpeak
Kiwibank 38 9010 0425724 00
Together we have made enormous progress towards our vision, but there is much work to be done into the future. Our plans for 2023 and beyond to advance this kaupapa centre around our three strategic pillars, each vital to achieving lasting systemic transformation.
Capacity and Community Building
To grow the power of our organisation and the wider justice movement to achieve lasting systems change, we want to invest in the capacity of and connections between our community.
Narrative and Media
To truly transform the system we need a long term shift in public attitudes and beliefs. We will do this by changing yesterday’s conversation about law and order to today’s conversation about community well-being.
Advocacy and Campaigns
Meaningful change requires pressure on decision makers to act by shifting policy and resources away from prisons and punishment and toward community interventions, health and well-being.
View our operational report 2021-2023Donate now onlinefundraising
Host your own
If you’re keen to fundraise in support of JutSpeak, we can help make that happen. We can provide all the information and promotional materials to make your fundraiser as easy and effective as possible. Depending on the scale of your activity, we can also help with guest speakers from within the JustSpeak team and wider community.
Get supportGifts in Wills
Leaving a gift in your Will is a powerful way you can leave a lasting legacy of change. For many, this can be the final step of a lifetime of service to justice and one that will continue to build a fair and flourishing Aotearoa for generations to come. If you wish to discuss your wishes with us further, in confidence, please contact us below.
Contact usJustice Champions
Becoming a Justice Champion is a powerful way you can help us build support for a compassionate and effective justice system. Your monthly donation will enable us to deliver advocacy, education and public outreach programmes that strengthen our collective movement, and shift public attitudes and narratives on criminal justice.
Donate now